Note to Ives fans

WHiRR is not affiliated with Jester Theater Company, but if you're in a David Ives mood and you're seeing (f)Ives, you might be interested in some artwork we have for sale.

I have six original prints inspired by Ives' All in the Timing. The prints were created to display in the lobby during Orlando Theatre Project's production in March. If you're already an Ives fan and/or can't attend Fringe, we have the prints available for sale online. So convenient!

This is half unrelated, but if you find and fill out one of our activity page word finds and bring it to the WHiRR booth, we'll give you a free one-inch button.

1 comment

Brian Feldman wrote 18 years 43 weeks ago

This is half related, but

This is half related, but "(f)Ives" is (f)irst-rate. See it. This from an Ives aficionado.

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