“why are you such a BITCH!”

Hence asks a character in the ensemble comedy Misleading Perceptions. Someone would probably ask this of me, as a "critic", of shows that are meant to be "100% unjuried". I suppose my response to this would be that those who are not judged by any academy must be judged by their peers - and that criticism can be far harsher (I should know).

Regardless, I return with a second (and hopefully less drama-inciting) review.

Show: Misleading Perceptions
Venue: Green Venue (Tupperware Theatre at Orlando Repertory Theatre)
Times: 5/20 @ 10:50pm, 5/21 @ 9:40, 5/22 @ 11:00pm, 5/23 @ 7:40, 5/24 @ 9:45, 5/27 @ 9:30
Tickets: $9

I went into this show having heard the buzz that Perceptions was a John Hughes-ian coming of age-type comedy. I like John Hughes, even if for sentimental reasons, so the premise of this show appealed to me.

Of course, whenever you hear that a work of art, music, film, theatre, etc. is supposed to follow a set genre or formula, to me said preview increases the risk that the work will indeed be a dumbed down paint-by-numbers work. You hear a local band is working with Steve Albini only to have your high expectations dashed by pedantic, middle-brow low-tempo mediocre rock.

To say it simply, there existed the possibility that this show could have been complete turd.

But as the six players of Misleading Perceptions strut toward their chairs to the sounds of Jay-Z's "99 Problems", you instantly know that this show will not fall into that rut.

The show begins with film shots projected onto a screen behind the seated actors. I personally really enjoyed the multi-media aspect of the show - film of the actors walking around in broad daylight truly gives the show a whole different dimension.

And from the get go, the audience has an idea of where the story is going. But the characters are so engaging and more importantly, well-acted, that we are happy to go along for the ride.

The point of the show is that it's a story we've seen before - and if we don't realize already, the writers make it unmistakably obvious by the end. Although the premise may not be the most original ever, the performances, the multi-media involvement, and the well-selected soundtrack (the Foreigner interlude is classic!) make and old tale fresh again.

Particularly noticeable, if only because an audience member kept screaming his name out, was the performance of Eli, serving as a seamless substitute in the role of the Mike (the "yo dawg" character). The altogether terrific ensemble, brilliant timing, and completely convincing physical comedy makes this a show worth seeing.


Ryan wrote 18 years 41 weeks ago

Now, in true Blogging Fringe

Now, in true Blogging Fringe tradition, I will rebut.

I wasn't really sold from the time Jay-Z started, or even when I saw the projector. I guess it could be said that they used it to give the audience a geographic and temporal context for what is going on, but I thought theatre was there for us to believe the setting and the geography without having to see it. Since this is a parody of film, I suppose the visuals help to sell that idea.

Don't get me wrong, I would recommend this show to everyone reading this review. Endearing and funny. I just didn't agree with some of the reviewers comments.

For other shows within the Fringe, Hedwig and the Angry Inch as well as Serious Theatre both use projection (at least out of the shows I've seen) in completely different ways than Perceptions did. Look for those reviews elsewhere on this site.

Emily wrote 18 years 41 weeks ago

I am noticing a trend

I am noticing a trend here...none of the other reviewers get the bitch bitch bitch from the moderator...hrmmmmmm...anyway.

Technically, you're not supposed to be breaking the fourth wall, either, but I sure like it when it comes crashing down! Viva experimentalism!

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