Blogging Fringe NewsFlash

UPDATE: 5/26/2006

Last night, while I hung out with Katharine at the WHiRR booth (where we got fresh with Boris the Robot), Ryan made out with TJ Dawe in the grass between the two main theatres.

He even pointed out where their buttprints were. Amazing.

More details later. Suffice to say, we are all jealous of Ryan. Very much so. I love my boyfriend, but I wouldn't say no to making out with TJ Dawe. I get to FINALLY see his show tonight, for which I am extremely excited. Yay Fringe!

In other news, when you head to the Green, Red, or Purple venues, or on your way to check out Ryan and TJ Dawe's buttprints, PLEASE stop by and visit the Dandelion Communitea booth. they having amazing organic/natural/delicious food, as well as very nice people working the booth. We love them. And get some lemonade. You won't regret it! It will make you healthier than the beer tent will!

1 comment

Ryan wrote 18 years 41 weeks ago

You kids are taking this

You kids are taking this public?

The interview will be posted soon.

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