My Traditional Ethnic Wedding

Show: Songs of Mirth and Mayhem
Company: Paul Mesner Puppets
Venue: Mad Cow Theatre (corner of Pine St. and Magnolia Ave.)
Show times: Thu Nov 2, 10:15 PM;
Tickets: $15
Call: 407-297-8788 - info and tickets

When I spoke with Paul Mesner tonight, he told me that Songs of Mirth and Mayhem is a much younger program than Wiley and the Hairy Man (a few months compared to a few decades). Still, my 24-year-old self found this show to be even better than Hairy Man. In no way is this show intended for young people, covering several adult subjects including drugs, sex, and violence!

The show is primarily a cabaret, following the story of a young girl with a strange industrial accident in her past. Connie Miranda tells us some of her earliest memories, and a few from growing up, right up until the previous night. There is a love triangle, a pot-smoking granny, and a bit of crime and... punishment! It's too juicy to give away, but needless to say, this show is a laugh riot. Paul Mesner produced two winners in the same weekend. Way to go.

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