Something From the MySpace

Remember that weird ad PUSH Interactive showed off last year, with an intern standing on the street corner holding a sign? Apparently that is the genius plan by the Webby-award-winning group... to take pictures of people holding signs. On Monday February 12th down at Loch Haven Park, they're having a photo shoot, and you're to bring a sign, and it can say just about anything (as long as you're cool with them printing it on a poster. Beth Marshall made a genius comment about this genius plan:

Use this opportunity to promote yourself and your Fringe show! [google-eyed-smiley-dude]

Hooray crowdsourcing? I'll believe it's a good idea when I see it for myself.

Speaking of crowd resources, Fringe is looking for people to "Billet" performers. Think Revolutionary War and the British government requires that you put up a soldier in your house as the army moves through your town. There are perks, however, and those perks are a free Superpass to the Fringe. Sounds pretty sweet, but I wonder what the obligation would entail... I guess if you lived close to town it would be easy. Still, with the number of national and international acts much higher this year, performers being able to find cheap (as in free) places to stay will be a task.

A similar post brings up quartering again, as well as asking for raffle items, office supplies and straight up money. I imagine it takes some dollars to put on a show like this and keep people focused on it almost 24/7/365. Help out if you can.

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