No fair! Real life gets in the way….

Today, day 2 aka Saturday was a get a really cool toy but then you have to go to Grandma’s day. You know when for whatever reason you finally got a snazzy toy you’ve been waiting for forever but then you have to leave it because you have to go to Grandma’s house. That was my Saturday! Just when the Fringe is in full swing I have to leave it and go to work! At least I got to play for just a bit before rushing off to work the box office for Camelot. At least it’s my final shift while the fringe is here. Wheww!

So stopped by the Blogging Fringe tent for a brief, helped set up, make a button then off to 1 show. Today’s show was So Kiss Me Already Herscel Gertz, a one woman show by Amy Salloway. I found this show completely charming. As I watched I completely connected in her story even though I am not Jewish nor went to summer camp. Most of us went (maybe still are going) through that self searching, trying to fit in, puberty hitting, awkward first love time of life. She’s so cute with her ponytails and converse that it’s easy to go back in time and you won’t mind the visit, no matter how traumatic your adolescents was!

Show: So Kiss Me Already, Herschel Gertz!
Company: Awkward Moment Productions - Orlando, FL
Venue: Red (Orlando REP)
Times: 5/19 - 4:00PM, 5/20 - 8:15PM, 5/21 - 10:45PM, 5/23 - 6:00PM, 5/25 - 7:10PM, 5/26 - 11:00AM, 5/27 - 2:30PM
Tickets: $10 (Students, Seniors $8)
Rating: Mature Audiences

After the show I chatted with Amy and she told about how she had forgotten her programs. She was gushing how nice the Fringe volunteers were and how they rescued her! She was so thankful. Our fringe volunteers, just another example of why the Orland fringe festival ROCKS!!! And Amy I think I can safely say that Blogging Fringe ahava(s) YOU!!!

Before heading to work chatted with Kyle from Light My Way: A New Musical, Ricky Avila from Matador and Joey from Heart of Coal. Joey tells me their first show was well received and felt good about it! Go Joey!!! For those of you who don’t know, Joey is the other part of P-sha productions! You may have seen some of our work and not even known it was ours :)!
Well today the Fringe is really starting for me, I have 6 shows on my schedule!!! WHOOOT! So if you see me around the Fringe or at the Blogging Fringe tent tell me what you’ve seen, tell me about your show or just say HI!

Happy fringing everyone!!!!



Ryan wrote 17 years 38 weeks ago

Hey Denna I think next time

Hey Denna I think next time you paste a YouTube code you need to click on the "Code" button and paste it in there instead of the graphical editor.

I'm so proud of these videos! You're fabulous, as they say.

Paige wrote 17 years 38 weeks ago

These are totally

These are totally awesome-licious! More Fringe crushes please!

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