Dear Fringe Freaks:
If you didn't know, my Blogging Fringe site also has a presence on the chat / SMS / microblog thing that is Twitter:
What's Twitter? The service asks the question: What are you doing right now? You answer the question by using your phone via SMS, or a website, or an instant message client (which might also be on your phone). Once you get the updates in, other people can choose to "follow" you. You can also re-post the updates to a widget on webpages, or you may see my updates in my facebook status message.
I only have one phone, so I tried to figure out how I could make a post about Fringe from my account and still have it show up on the bloggingfringe updates. I did figure it out, and I also decided to let all of my friends get the same ability.
Any updates you send to twitter containing the word 'fringe' or if you address a message to that account using @bloggingfringe will be re-posted. If this experiment doesn't work out for everyone, I will take it down.
This is not implemented yet, but I think a neat addition to this would be if you started or ended your post with an exclamation point ! that might work well to include or exclude your message.
To get started, sign up for twitter and follow the bloggingfringe account:
...then include the word "fringe" or @bloggingfringe in your message.