October 2006 Archive

Voci Dance Out of the Box

Voci Dance is hosting an experience downtown all this weekend at the brand new CityArts Factory.

New Season, MySpace Theme, Recruiting

All Hallow's 10 is over, Fringe applications are due in a few days... what does that mean?

Time do make the interviews!!

To you, loyal readers of BloggingFringe.com (yes, all 20 of you, and a few MySpace friends) I pose the following charges:

  1. If you are participating in an upcoming Fringe show in any market (America, Canada, Europe, etc.), I would like to hear from you. Send an email to info@bloggingfringe.com and let me know.

Orlando Performing Arts Center? (OPAC)

I think everyione reading this blog can agree that a performing arts center would greatly improve the quality of life and the image to outsiders for Orlando and Central Florida. I saw over on Mark Baratelli's MySpace blog his post of a video trying to get support for OPAC. He did not make it, but he appears prominently at the end, along with an earlier shot of several SAK performers.

Fringe Launches a New Site

Inevitably, festivals like the fringe will launch a new web page every year -- SXSW, FFF, OFF (they aren't even at the same URL this year), the list goes on. Check out this year's offering: OrlandoFringe.org

Fringe Launches a New Site
Posted from Flickr

The problem with this constant cycle of ::slack off:: ::panic:: ::get donated service:: ::slap stuff together:: ::relauch:: ::cram info into a very small space:: remains that it is a major headache every year, and in my opinion an exercise in futility. Someone who knows what they're doing (and I am not saying anything against Rachel Joyce, I went to school with her and she is very knowledgable) to sit sdown and take the time to think about where things should go an how they should be organized. It's called information design, and it is a highly specialized field. I'm not saying we need to call in the big boys for this, but from seeing what I have in previous years, most festivals need an information archticture like they need to sell tickets.

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(407) 906-9249

Leave a voicemail of your crush, a quick show review, or a Fab Fringe Moment, we'll put it on the podcast!


Paying the Bills