Rebel Without a Niche

Red Venue

  Fri 5/18
12:40 PM Sat 5/19
4:00 PM Sun 5/20
  Mon 5/21
5:30 PM Tue 5/22
11:15 PM Wed 5/23
  Thu 5/24
9:05 PM Fri 5/25
4:15 PM Sat 5/26
6:30 PM Sun 5/27

Tickets: $10

Too Much Free Time Productions - Brooklyn, NY

Official Website
Official MySpace

Read a review on the Orlando Sentinel Theatre Blog

Listen to an interview on the Orlando Fringe Podcast

Kurt Fitzpatrick plays an alarming array of characters in this tale of an underemployed actor/filmmaker supporting himself with bizarre jobs in New York City. He's a bike messenger for a single day, a graveyard shift computer operator working under a hot-tempered Jamaican man, a guerilla marketer for Frozen Fresh groceries in New Jersey, and a zoot suit clad zombie in a Halloween show called "Madison Scare Garden." "Kurt Fitzpatrick is one hell of a sketch comedian." - See Magazine, Edmonton.

"Rebel Without a Niche" was previously performed at the Gene Frankel Theatre in New York, as well as part of the Uptown Arts Stroll in New York, and Fringe festivals in Toronto, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Victoria, and Vancouver.


Blogging Fringe » Updated Show Pages wrote 17 years 40 weeks ago

[...] Here are a list of

[...] Here are a list of pages with reviews/links/podcasts on them, in venue order: SPORT: REMATCH Elvis an Roy: The Last Concert Bitchslap! VarieTEASE: Carnivale Zombie Girlfriend Boys, Boys, Boys! P.S. 69 Matador Steel Magnolias Bat Boy: The Musical Six Characters: Best Show Ever Waiting… Dishpig Mistero Buffo - Comic Mysteries Jesus in Montana Poofy du Vey in “Burden of Poof” 52 Pick Up Ctrl-Alt-Life OUTLOUD! Too gay for Fringe? Matt and Ben The Honeymoon Period is Officially Over Music Without Music Heart of Coal 2007: Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner? Dancing with the Porn Stars Pentecostal Wisconsin Linwood Sassy’s Screw You Revue Saint Kristie Midnight Snack with Tom and Vincent 5ive Stupid Kids So Kiss Me Already, Herschel Gertz! String Calculus: The Musical Rebel Without a Niche [...]

Updated Show Pages at Liberatr Media Network wrote 17 years 40 weeks ago

[...] Here are a list of

[...] Here are a list of pages with reviews/links/podcasts on them, in venue order: DRIP paint in motion SPORT: REMATCH Elvis an Roy: The Last Concert Bitchslap! VarieTEASE: Carnivale Zombie Girlfriend Boys, Boys, Boys! P.S. 69 Matador Steel Magnolias Bat Boy: The Musical Six Characters: Best Show Ever Waiting… Dishpig Mistero Buffo - Comic Mysteries Curriculum Vitae Jesus in Montana Poofy du Vey in “Burden of Poof” 52 Pick Up Ctrl-Alt-Life Coming In OUTLOUD! Too gay for Fringe? Matt and Ben The Honeymoon Period is Officially Over Encore for the Diva A Love Lost Life Music Without Music Heart of Coal @007: Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner? Dancing with the Porn Stars Pentecostal Wisconsin Linwood Sassy’s Screw You Revue Saint Kristie Midnight Snack with Tom and Vincent 5ive Stupid Kids So Kiss Me Already, Herschel Gertz! String That Fading Scent… Andrea Merlyn Calculus: The Musical Rebel Without a Niche [...]

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