Fringe Begins!

Well, it's official. The 15th Annual Orlando International Fringe Festival is officially underway, with no help very little help from me. I drove my roommate over to the Gala 80's Prom Themed opening, the one with the amazing and wild paint dance by Mariko (pictures here), but I had to turn around and promptly and abruptly leave. It was my fault for getting a flat tire on Tuesday, which meant I had to re-schedule a podcast for tonight, therefore double-booking myself. Sometimes I hate being important.

Anyway, the pictures make the event look like something that will never be reproduced, which is the perfect event for bloggers to cover... I guess them's the breaks!

MOST importantly, Fringe is now rolling ahead, full-steam, with no signs of stopping for the next 10 days or so. I am so excited! I have started highlighting my Orlando Weekly, and I need to grab one of the indispensable guides the Sentinel distributes as well, so I can read all the reviews and prioritize prioritize.

I made some killer buttons today that I am confident will be a big hit at the Festival: They bear the slogan "This is TOTALLY going on my BLOG" and our web address for those who don't catch the reference. You can check it out by viewing our MySpace page, or on Flickr. If you want a button, stop by Katharine's WHiRR table in front of the Shakespeare building. She has the prime location at the end of the row.

I look forward to seeing you at the Fringe. If you see a tall blonde guy with yellow shoes and a Totally Blog button, say hello! I want to know how people are interacting at, around, in and with Fringe and other Fringers. You might even get a mention on the blog!


Katharine wrote 18 years 43 weeks ago

Not completely at the end of

Not completely at the end of the row, if Mary Kay shows up. I trust that people won't confuse robots with make-up, but you never know!

Patron wrote 18 years 43 weeks ago

Spider wrote 18 years 43 weeks ago

I got my button last night -

I got my button last night - and when I get back fron volunteering today, will post a link to you all on my blog - this is such a great idea!

Ryan wrote 18 years 43 weeks ago

Well, Spider, I'm glad you

Well, Spider, I'm glad you liked the buttons. Maybe we'll get you to write a review for us.

Jen wrote 18 years 42 weeks ago

Yay for Fringes!! And

Yay for Fringes!! And Boris!!!!

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