Show: Wilson Loria's OENS
Venue: Pink Venue (Mandell Theatre @ Shakespeare Festival)
Show times: 5-19 @ 11:10pm, 5-20 @ 2:35pm, 5-21 @ 3:55pm, 5-22 @ 10:40pm, 5-26 @ 6:00pm, 5-27 @ 12:55pm and 5-28 @ 7:10pm
Tickets: $9

OENS is the type of show that can be considered eye-opening (i.e. it has an agenda). The interesting thing about eye-openers is this: even if your eyes are already open, a show like OENS will only serve to affirm that your eyes should remain open. Brazilian Wilson Loria uses recorded music, live vocal music, dance, pantomime, maps and outrageous costumes to compare sailing on a galleon to collect spices from India and slaves from Africa to today's import of jobs, modern life and McDonald's to developing nations.

Wilson began the show by greeting each person in the audience, calling some of them by name, remembering who has been to his show before, who said they were coming and where they were from. He lets the audience know that they are there participating in the narrative, because they are citizens of the same Earth. Music and sound bytes from old radio broadcasts recount nearly every global war or conflict since the birth of recorded music, all the way up to George H. Bush's reign.

A romanticized ocean voyage to exotic India follows, with a stop near Madagascar to interact with aborigines, and an all-too modern council of war with the likes of Athena, Hermes and Dionysus replacing General, Secretary of Defense and other positions. The piece slowly transitions into posing questions as to what globalization of corporations and capitalism are doing to the world. The motto "We should be concerned with Being, not Posessing" provides a capstone for the messages presentedin the program.

As for the show itself, audience members will likely be lost as to the meaning of the songs (sung in portugese) and the purpose of the mime within the story structure. Some parts of the show are not as tightly scripted as others, and it shows. The real payoff comes at the end, where Wilson read from a printout, not my favorite means of delivery, but he did use the pages as a prop, so I cannot slight him on that.

Wilson will be delighted if you stop by and see his show. If you see him in the halls at Fringe, you should at least thank him for making the trip to America to share his talents with us. Fringe 2006 would not be complete without OENS; at least that's my opinion.


d. boston wrote 18 years 42 weeks ago

I really liked this show a

I really liked this show a lot. It's one of those shows that makes us think and discuss while leaving the theater. And after as well... Just one comment on Ryan's line "audience members will likely be lost as to the meaning of the songs." Why do we have to know every single word and every single thing that happens during a show? Music is meant to be felt not to be understood. What about American songs being exported to parts of the world where English is not spoken but still they are listened and eventually consumed? Why do we have to understand every single word? Why must we have everything translated in this country? Why do we have this necessity of "rationalizing" everything that is presented to us instead of letting ourselves "feel" a piece of Art? Oens is surely worth seeing it. Don't miss it!

Ryan wrote 18 years 42 weeks ago

I hope my comments do not

I hope my comments do not make anyone think I disliked the show: in fact I am thinking of going back tomorrow, and I told Wilson this when I saw him on the lawn.

This is also why we have two-way discussions on this blog - now you can question my writing.

Gabi Lorino wrote 18 years 42 weeks ago

I was pleased with how Wilson

I was pleased with how Wilson got his message across to the audience with his performance piece. He used song, dance, movement, and words to paint the picture for us. He also did a lot of research for the show, which is explained at the end when he provides statistics for us to think about. In all, I'd recommend this show, and wish Wilson the best of luck at Fringe!

Paige wrote 18 years 42 weeks ago

Wilson is completely

Wilson is completely adorable! He's everywhere at the Fringe, and if (somehow) you haven't talked to him yet, you should. I love that he exists, and is here, trying to bring something different and important to the Fringe. He believes so STRONGLY in what he does and his show's message. Like he was telling me, shows full of naked people are great and all, but we are at war right now. People need to start thinking more about these issues....And on top of all of that, he's the biggest sweetheart! You just want to pick him up and smuggle him out of the Shakespeare Festival in your pocket... Well, at least I do.

Brian Feldman wrote 18 years 42 weeks ago

"Oens" is without a doubt the

"Oens" is without a doubt the most pure performance art piece of this year

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