Thank you Maupin!

How do we know we are doing something right here? Is it the first post that gets more than 5 comments? ::check:: The first time we are talked about after leaving a room? ::check:: Or is it the first time The Orlando Sentinel's theatre reviewer Mentions us on her blog? ::double check::

Elizabeth Maupin is a hard-working woman. (unless I am missing the page navigation) She has reviews for 28 of the 58 Fringe shows this year posted on her TypePad blog, Attention Must Be Paid. She is certainly the professional in this arena, and we are the lowly unpaid types, but I have to thank her for letting her readers know we are here. Thank you darling!

She also gives the link love to Orlando Theatre's MySpace Blog, who have graciously offered to share their posts and reviews with us, but I have not even had enough time to post all of my reviews until today. She also mentions Mark Baratelli, our good friend, who is blogging and podcasting the experience of putting on Improv Cabaret.

Still, it makes me wonder, for all that people can use the word 'blog' in a sentence, do they know how to subscribe to a blog? Do they know about my favorite feedcatcher, Netvibes? Do they know they can get all of their favorite blogs pushed right to one page without having to lift a finger? I would guess no.

This post about Fringe coverage would not be complete without mentioning the equally-as-infamous Steve Schneider and his coverage of Fringe for the Orlando Weekly. The difference here being that all of Steve's reviews come out in the traditional manner: in print, and searchable on a web site. As far as I know, the Weekly does not syndicate their content, or allow articles to run on the web page until long after the print version has hit the streets, and people have had a day or two to look at the ads inside. They could be working on something, or I could be very wrong about this. Let me know by leaving a comment.


Mark Baratelli wrote 18 years 42 weeks ago

I am really excited about the

I am really excited about the Sentinel's blogging of Fringe. Have you seen their great postcards inviting Fringe patrons to come to the blog and leave comments about shows they've seen?

Brian Feldman wrote 18 years 42 weeks ago

Maybe by next year it

Maybe by next year it (blogging/podcasts/etc. of Orlando Fringe) will reach the level of the Minnesota Fringe. Probably not, but here's hoping!

Mark Baratelli wrote 18 years 42 weeks ago

I think the people who can

I think the people who can make it happen have recently met and can make it happen very easily with some planning.

Ryan wrote 18 years 42 weeks ago

I should add that this guy is

I should add that this guy is also doing Fringe reviews, and he has seen about 20 shows. His main site seems to be littered with reviews, if one can use the statement literaly, anyway. I guess we're not much better, but he is just so damned casual about it - and we are pretentious. We can't get too casual!

Elizabeth Maupin wrote 18 years 41 weeks ago

And thank you! The Fringe is

And thank you! The Fringe is over, but I'm still enjoying the reviews I'm reading here.

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