Do you love the Fringe? Do something about it!

The Breakdown:

Orlando Fringe has over 80 shows this year. Last year I viewed and reviewed about 17 of them, and a couple of freebie email interviews. Hence, there is no possible way for one person to see all the shows. I'm not even going to try. My goal for this year is 25 shows, which also means it will cost me (up to) $275 for the week, not counting food and gas I am considering billeting, but I have roommates and I don't want to inconvenience them.

What I Am Looking For:

  1. People who want to gather information about shows
    This means looking up company websites/myspace pages, writing or collecting summaries and blurbs posting photos to Zooomr/Slide/Photobucket, perhaps adding some of this stuff to the Wiki (yes, we are going to have a wiki) and encouraging shows to do so themselves.
  2. People who want to conduct email/phone/video interviews
    I think this is self-explanatory. If I can get even one person to assist with #1, then #2 will be easier. Most people might think #1 and #2 go hand in hand, but there are a lot of people I know who feel their opinions are not important and would not be interested in the interview bit.
  3. People who want to watch and review shows
    One large part of this job is finding out who wants to trade Complimentary Tickets for reviews, the second part is watching the show, talking to people who have seen it, hopefully taking some photos/video if you have the equipment, and last but not least putting together 250-1000 words about what went on at the show and what you liked.
  4. Shows willing to trade 1 or 2 comps for a feature on the site
    A few Fringe Bucks wouldn't hurt either! ;-) Since we have over 80 shows to choose from, those shows willing to cooperate with "The Media" will be gladly repaid with our services. A nice writeup, a link to your website/myspace, some photos/video/audio, a review of your show, whatever. Seeing shows tends to add up quickly, and I'd like to be able to cover all the shows as early in the week as possible or even during tech rehearsal so we have everybody covered before the newspapers with their slow traditional printing processes.

Please note that anyone is welcome to respond to this posting: You can be a volunteer, an actor/show producer, a staff member, an anonymous party (you don't even have to tell me who you are) or anyone really. You can post the reviews to your own blog or myspace either before or after they go up on Blogging Fringe, you own your words. We own your words too, and we put up ads on the blog and in some of the videos, but we really don't make any money from them. If Blogging Fringe does better than breaking even, I will gladly throw everyone who helped out a pizza party at Chuck-E-Cheese, and then I will proceed to fall at a dead faint because I made more money than I spent. What I'm saying is, good luck getting that pizza party.

Please direct all questions to the comments on this blog, the contact form on, or < info AT bloggingfringe DOT com >. Thanks for reading, comping tickets, or even for suggestions. I really appreciate it, and the performers, producers and Fringe patrons will appreciate it too.

1 comment

Lee Missavage wrote 17 years 16 weeks ago

The dramatic historical drama

The dramatic historical drama "Matanzas" about the French Spanish battle near St Augustine is an excellent counterpoint to the light comedic shows in most other venues at the festival. I saw it this afternoon and highly recommend it. Scott Isert, the only actor in the play, brings the story to life with a passionate fervor that pulls you right into the story.

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