May 2007 Archive

Psychic Follies

Official MySpace
The director of “Menopause the Musical” brings hilarious camp to psychics fake and real. A producer who wheels and deals, murder with a shove, a guy and gal in love.
<?php $XML_CACHE_TIME = 60*60*3; // every 3 hours.
// define all our feeds here...
$feeds[0]['url'] = "";
$feeds[0]['file'] = "psychicfollies";
$feeds[0]['count'] = 5;
// what style to output as?
$style = 1; // 0 == li-wrapped, 1 == like individual WPPosts, 2 ==

Cirriculum Vitae

Love Isn’t Black and White

Official MySpace
A young man's comedic journey through relationships is guided by his good and bad conscience. Hilarity ensues as he wrestles with a guy's worst nightmare… women.
<?php $XML_CACHE_TIME = 60*60*3; // every 3 hours.
// define all our feeds here...
$feeds[0]['url'] = "";
$feeds[0]['file'] = "blackandwhite";
$feeds[0]['count'] = 5;
// what style to output as?
$style = 1; // 0 == li-wrapped, 1 == like individual WPPosts, 2 ==


The Yellow Boat

Official MySpace
Join Benjamin and his family as they experience the journey of a young artists' life and together discover the inner strength of a child. 1998 AATE Distinguished Play Award winner
<?php $XML_CACHE_TIME = 60*60*3; // every 3 hours.
// define all our feeds here...
$feeds[0]['url'] = "";
$feeds[0]['file'] = "yellow-light-productions";
$feeds[0]['count'] = 5;
// what style to output as?
$style = 1; // 0 == li-wrapped, 1 == like individual WPPosts, 2 ==

Boys, Boys, Boys!

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(407) 906-9249

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Paying the Bills