JESUS IN MONTANA: Adventures in a Doomsday Cult

Yellow Venue

11:15 PM Fri 5/18
11:45 PM Sat 5/19
6:45 PM Sun 5/20
  Mon 5/21
8:45 PM Tue 5/22
  Wed 5/23
7:40 PM Thu 5/24
  Fri 5/25
6:30 AM Sat 5/26
12:55 PM Sun 5/27

Tickets: $10

Aspen Comedy Works - Aspen, CO

Official Webpage

Read a review on Blogging Fringe

Read a review on the Orlando Sentinel Theatre Blog

Listen to an interview on the Orlando Fringe Podcast

Jesus in Montana: Adventures in a Doomsday Cult
“Five stars! ...A devastatingly significant work...a scintillating sense of
humor, a magnificent turn of phrase and a way with a punch line that is jaw-dropping. You must see Jesus in Montana.” - Montreal Gazette

“Smith is an affable storyteller, and his show is both funny and gently thought-provoking.” – New York Times

Winner of the Outstanding Solo Show Award at the 2005 New York International Fringe festival, JESUS IN MONTANA is a monologue, written and performed by award-winning humorist Barry Smith who tells the true story of his surreal journey into the depths of a bizarre religious cult and his desperate quest for God's truth in the early 1990s.

Barry, then a disillusioned dishwasher living in Aspen, Colorado, believes his sophistication, wisdom and hallucinogenic drug use helped him to overcome his Southern fundamentalist upbringing...until he discovers Jesus has returned and is living in Montana!

Incorporating home movies, slides and other exciting stuff, Barry takes the audience with him as he travels to find Jesus. Does Barry actually meet Jesus? Does Jesus like Barry? The answers will surprise you.

JESUS IN MONTANA: Adventures in a Doomsday Cult is directed by Lynn Aliya, an award-winning actor, writer and director.

Not recommended for children or the spiritually faint of heart.


Deborah wrote 17 years 39 weeks ago

Jesus in Montana was

Jesus in Montana was delightfully funny, intriguing and thought provoking. Barry's skills in story telling, enabled him to relate to the thoughts and questions most of us experience at some point in our lives, as we all attempt to make sense out of things that don't always make sense. Don't miss this show at future fringe festivals, and look forward to Barry Smith show in the 2008 Orlando Fringe! I definatley won't miss it!

Updated Show Pages at Liberatr Media Network wrote 17 years 40 weeks ago

[...] Characters: Best Show

[...] Characters: Best Show Ever Waiting… Dishpig Mistero Buffo - Comic Mysteries Curriculum Vitae Jesus in Montana Poofy du Vey in “Burden of Poof” 52 Pick Up Ctrl-Alt-Life Coming In OUTLOUD! Too gay [...]

Blogging Fringe » Updated Show Pages wrote 17 years 40 weeks ago

[...] Characters: Best Show

[...] Characters: Best Show Ever Waiting… Dishpig Mistero Buffo - Comic Mysteries Curriculum Vitae Jesus in Montana Poofy du Vey in “Burden of Poof” 52 Pick Up Ctrl-Alt-Life Coming In OUTLOUD! Too gay [...]


[...] Jesus in Montana

[...] Jesus in Montana Company: Aspen Comedy Works - Aspen, CO Venue: Yellow (Orlando Shakes) Times: 5/18 @ 11:15PM, 5/19 [...]

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