Exclusive Announcement, Retraction

Keeping exclusivity in mind, I won't spoil it for you, but I will say this is something we discussed on our Fringe Thinktank Podcast that we never thought could happen.

I also want to make a formal retraction of some statements made a few weeks ago in relation to Mark Baratelli's new online marketing efforts for the OIFTF07.

My current position is that the initiatives like FringeCast, Fringe Ads Channel, PatronCast, etc. are just what the Fringe needs from an official standpoint: enabling producers, patrons and organizers all three to share with each other and within groups as well. Hopefully in future months and years we will see throngs of people rushing to view and contribute to these channels, on MySpace, YouTube or otherwise. I think that if Mark wants to grab the attention of the older or just plain technophobic crowds he should provide email subscriptions and webpages that aren't wrapped by teenage clich�, but that is but one man's opinion. I'm sure if you have a suggestion for Mark, he will gladly hear you out.


Blogging Fringe » Fringe Video Podcast wrote 18 years 13 weeks ago

[...] Update: please click

[...] Update: please click this link for a follow-up. [...]


[...] Fringe Video Podcast

[...] Fringe Video Podcast Published November 28th, 2006 in Podcasts, Blogs, Blogging Fringe and Video. Update: please click this link for a follow-up. [...]

Mark wrote 18 years 12 weeks ago

Email subscription lists are

Email subscription lists are handled by Beth's assistant. I am in charge of their social networking efforts.

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