September 2006 Archive

Fringe Has A New MySpace

It looks like our old acquaintance Mark Baratelli is now in charge of the Orlando Fringe's MySpace profile (and blogging?). Since things are beginning to take shape on that front, things will start to take shape here as well. I can't say when, but this site will be moving sometime before the end of the year so we can get some new software installed to help Fringe patrons and artists get a real dialogue going.

I don't think MySpace is going to be the only way for people to communicate like it was last year.

All Hollow’s 10 - 20/21/27/26?

I think there are some serious typographic errors over on the upcoming events page at - just because you say you've got a "new website coming in September" doesn't mean you can slack off on proofreading like you did last year.

The point of this post is not to get down on typos, but to let you know about the Fringe's fundraising event, All Hallow's 10.

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