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Doing Fringe as an Out-of-Towner

Memorial Day weekend is upon us. For every other holiday, there are a variety of ways to celebrate. Sometimes I don’t know my Thanksgiving plans until two weeks before. As a student, I had a part-time job in which I always worked Easter. Sometimes, I’ve even celebrated the Fourth of July without fireworks.

But I’ll be damned if I celebrate Memorial Day in any other way except Fringe. The Orlando Fringe Festival, to be specific – the first in North America and one weekend in which I get to come back to my beloved hometown and celebrate in the kookiest way imaginable.

Fringe Moments

“Pepe come here,” Blue shouts...
Copied from Rob Ward: Nipple Tape, Furries, and Gas Masks, Oh My - Pepe Makes a Cameo in VarieTEASE, this post about Pepe is the definition of a "Fab Fringe Moment".

Blue then calls the full cast together for a pre-show energy circle, some motivational words, and a prayer of sorts (to the theatre gods?). I like being a part of this. Performing as Pepe is one of my favorite things in the world to do, but oddly enough before a show, it can be a little lonely, so it’s nice to connect with a big cast … and there’s a lot of love in this circle. Good feeling.

Also today in the blogosphere, Katie Ball continues her marching rampage through the 2010 Fringe, with a post entitled, "MORE, MORE, MORE!".

”T-O-T-A-L-L-Y” is an inspiring story of a woman taking back her personal power. No bra burning or picket signs in sight, instead the irrepressible Kimleigh Smith uses sassy dialog, a sultry R&B voice and some sexy-ass dance moves to show her transformation from a teenage valley girl into a hot HOT woman of substance. Anyone, male or female, will be encouraged by T-O-T-A-L-L-Y 's story of facing crippling adversity, owning it, and then kicking it to the curb.

“Goblin Party Interactive” - Oh my God this was so much cooler than I could even imagine. It's the movie Labyrinth done Rocky Horror style, but joined by a range of clever puppets, dreamy kite work and puppeteers Heather Henson and Marsian's hysterical portrayals of the lead characters Sarah and the Goblin King. My suggestion: round up a crowd of friends, take the kites and ears you made at the Ibex tent, medicate however you see fit and then jump into the fray. TOO MUCH FUN.

“Some Other Day” is a beautifully simple story told by two artists who are proud to share the tradition of old Vaudevillian showmanship. Whether altering the space/time continuum, dabbling in the supernatural or bringing applause with just a smile, Schave and Reilly keep doing what they do best – being freaking adorable. “Some Other Day” is 50 minutes of genuine sweetness; it may not be for everyone, but the world would be better if it was.

"Canuck Cabaret"
I love Canadians, and what better way to celebrate than by witnessing the Canuck Cabaret? Hosted by Fringe sweetheart Paul Hutcheson and the saucy Sharon Nowlan, this variety show features new guests with each performance. I was lucky to get to see Schave and Reilly do an amazing juggling routine - so clever that my friends and I are still trying to figure out how they did it. And Paul and Sharon delivered a number of performances that ranged in tone from beautifully and serenely cosmic to the universally well-regarded theme of poo. I loved the show and actually wish I could go every day.

2010 Fringe Updates from Facebook

Jeremy Seghers
had a wonderful night at Fringe! I highly recommend Lucky 9, The Shakespeare Show & The Bike Trip. Looking forward to Cody Rivers & Peg O'Keef tomorrow.

Paul Castaneda
Was so happy to see great performances yesterday from Lana Hancock Stevens, Katrina Johnson, Kevin Sigman, and Sarah Lockard to name a few. Love Fringe!

Ibex Puppetry
Check out our review in the Watermark! Don't miss the next Goblin Party Interactive @ Orlando Fringe 5/25 at 9:20pm

Katie Ball
Can't do big write ups today, y'all - applying for a position with the Orlando Shakes and needing to get my butt back out to the Fringe. Will say that I had three home runs yesterday - "Some Other Time" [sic] was beautifully sweet, "T-O-T-A-L-L-Y" was inspiring and empowering, "Goblin Party" was so much freaking fun!!! Imagine Rocky Horror interaction but with Labyrinth!! Great times yesterday. More soon.

The Ibex tent at Fringe is THE BOMB.

Posted from Katie Ball's Facebook Note, The Ibex tent at Fringe is THE BOMB.

The Ibex tent at Fringe is my new favorite place. Last night I spent well over an hour creating what director Mike Marinaccio dubbed “Bad Bunny Ears”. Good/Bad, not Evil ; ) Made with pipe cleaners, fabric, hot glue, feathers (and with a good bit of guidance from puppeteers Heather Henson and Marsian), I felt my already low blood pressure drop further still.

If you aren't into making ears you can make a kite! It's free, folks, great great fun and free. Go make something awesome and then take it to Ibex's interactive Goblin Party. I want to get a big posse together for that, who's game?


Katie Ball: 2010 Fringe's Opening Night!

Posted from Katie Ball's Facebook Note, And so it begins... Fringe's Opening Night!

Last night's opening was a quiet one but still so great. Missed the ribbon cutting because it was still so damned hot, so my buddy Emily and I had the contingency plan of drinking at Peacock first : ) Though we were both very well behaved because we knew we had a long night ahead of us and wanted to be in shape for it. The bartender had never heard of Fringe, and while I never like to be one of those clutch the pearls “You've never heard of...?” people, this one continues to surprise me. But it also kind of excites me because there are so many more people the regulars can help bring into the fold. The bartender and dred boy next to me sounded pretty well sold when I talked to them about Schave and Reilly's show, with the dred guy saying 'It's not every day someone talks about Buster Keaton at a bar.'

Review: The Bike Trip, Martin Dockery

Posted from Katie Ball's Facebook Note, “The Bike Trip”

So “The Bike Trip” is kind of where words fail me. I was such a fan of last year's “Wanderlust” that I almost didn't want Dockery to come back. Odds were he wasn't going to top it and there was the real possibility that we had seen the best he had to give. So I entered the Silver venue with mixed feelings - hopes for the guy, but worried.

Lights up, he's on, and then away we go.

Katie Ball: Choosing Fringe shows, it's a science (no really).

Posted from Katie Ball's Facebook Note, Choosing Fringe shows, it's a science (no really).

Some basic decision-making tips that have delivered a pretty decent rate of success for me. Doubtless you have your own methods and I'd be interested in hearing your ideas!

(In no particular order)

  1. Past experience – you rocked last year you'll probably rock this year.
  2. Canadian - Unlike South Park I do not blame Canada and usually love every production that heads this way.

Pecha Kucha Night at Orlando Fringe?

Edit: Lately I've been thinking Battledecks would be a great addition to the Fringe. The Pecha Kucha mentioned below is pretty similar.
Edit 2: The short slideshows will be held at the Outdoor Stage on Monday, May 24th, around 7PM.
Edit 3: We have a facebook event for Small Talk at Fringe:

VoiceMail Radio: Brian Feldman

Download VoiceMail Review 06
Length: 2:22

Only from the mind of Brian Feldman, the man who jumped off of a 12-foot-high platform in front of City Hall 366 times on Leap Year Day.

Thank you to Cervo Systems for providing bandwidth and hosting for Blogging Fringe.

The file is just an MP3 - no iPod is required to listen to this show, although that is a

Meet Some Fringe Artists with Bonnie Sprung

If you're at the Fringe, you won't miss Bonnie with her button-bedecked hat. Her videos have actually been featured on the official Fringe website this week. If you haven't seen them, here are some links:

Fringe Fan Video: Meet Some Artists

Fringe Fan Video: Meet Some Artists

Fringe Fan Video

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Fringe Crush Voicemail

(407) 906-9249

Leave a voicemail of your crush, a quick show review, or a Fab Fringe Moment, we'll put it on the podcast!


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