Topic “MySpace”

Truth or Dare with Pepe and a Fringe moment!

(A repost from my MySpace which is set to public during the Fringe but will go back to private after, so if you please feel free to request me as a friend! My email is, you'll need that too ;) Enjoy!)

Another night at the Orlando Fringe Festival. I got to see all of the shows I wanted! TJ ( I like to call Tee-jah, one word) Dawe great as always!

From the mind of Beth Marshall

In Beth's latest MySpace blog, she leaves a review for the play currently at the Parliament House's Lightfoot Theater The Little Dog Laughed (directed by David Lee).

Beth praises the Parliament House, saying "No other bar in town has been anywhere near as successful in doing so to showcase theatre."

She also gives us a great run-down of what to expect from the community in the next month.

Upcoming Things to do, audition for, see, participate in etc...

On a daily basis- please


All Hallows 10 for Fringe
Copied from MySpace:

ALL HALLOWS 10 For-the-Fringe is this weekend!
Did you get your tickets yet?

ALL HALLOWS 10 For-the-Fringe
10, 10 Minute, Original, Halloween Themed Plays- 10 Dollars!

Two Nights:
Friday, October 19th 6pm Reception/7pm Showtime
Sunday, October 21st 6pm Showtime/Post Show Dinner

The Footlight Theater at The Parliament House 410 N Orange Blo

Juried vs. Non-Juried

There's a conversation about to get started on Beth Marshall's MySpace about juried vs. non-juried festivals. She quotes and article from the Edmonton (Alberta, Canada) newspaper. Here's a bit of it:

In Edinburgh, venuemanagers choose their plays. Professional work, which deserves a wider audience,debuts at the festival.

Starlight Ignored by the Sentinel?

So believes the person running the Starlight Theatre's MySpace Blog. Here's the post where they lay it out.

Of course I understand limited resources, cutbacks, etc.

Keepin’ the FRINGE CRUSH love alive…

Resident curmudgeon Linwood Sassy posted some link bait for me... I'll bite!

Dammit! I never got the friggen chance to reveal MY "Cringe Crush" at this year's fest. (Some of us are Entertainment LEGENDS and had SOLD OUT shows to do, ya bastards!)

I loved Poofy du Vey. A woman in a clown nose turns me ON!

Oh...and thanks a bunch to you folks that crushed ME.

How to Fringe

This meme is traveling around MySpace, so I thought I'd release it to the rest of the web. Written by Beth Marshall, it is a list of guidelines for experiencing the Orlando Fringe.

From Beth's Fringe FAQs blog on MySpace:

Here is a basic FRINGE 101 guide of FAQ's to help aid you in having a positive FRINGE experience. Please pass this email along to all your friends. Post it on your blogs, newsletters, websites or wherever you want.

Q- What is The Orlando International Fringe Theatre Festival?

A- A 12 day festival that is founded on the concept of offering 100% unjuried, 100% uncensored, 100% accessible theatre, music, dance, art and madness to all types and ages where 100% of the box office ticket sales go directly back to the artists within The Fringe. The Orlando Fringe is the longest running US Fringe.


Fringe’s Online Efforts: Mark Baratelli

Blogging Fringe Podcast 08
Length: 21:26

Local podcaster, performer and Orlando Fringe Social Media Coordinator Mark Baratelli talks with Ryan Price about his latest efforts with the Fringe.

Links mentioned in this podcast:
Orlando Fringe MySpace
Fringe Shows MySpace
Orlando Fringe Twitter

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(407) 906-9249

Leave a voicemail of your crush, a quick show review, or a Fab Fringe Moment, we'll put it on the podcast!


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